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Champion of Champions at Glendale Show



First ever Champion of Champions


At the Glendale Show on Bank Holiday Monday, the livestock classes braved the elements together with their owners to produce the first ever Champion of Champions in the show’s history. Entry for the award is automatic for the winners of all classes on the day. The winner was Suarez, a 15 month old steer, presented by Julie Sedgewick and Neil Slack of Aycliffe in County Durham. Reserve was   Julie Furness riding Santry Lad.

This new class in the stock judging competitions added an extra dimension to one of the show’s most popular attractions. Livestock is at the very heart and heritage of Glendale Show and the new award was presented by John Swan & Son, which also sponsors a number of sheep classes. With £250 prize money, the judge for the event was Peter Dodds, of East Horton.

The winners in each class were presented in the main ring in the parade of champions, before the overall winner was selected by Peter, in front of the crowd.

Julie Sedgewick spoke this morning about her excitement about the award. “This is the first time we have ever exhibited at Glendale Show although I am delighted to say that I have judged here.  It is a fantastic accolade as it means that all of the work that we do has paid off, and the fact that it was a home bred is really fantastic for us. To win the first Champion of Champions at Glendale Show was something very, very special.”

“Suarez is by a Limousin Bull and he is out of a British Blue Cross Cow. He’s 15 months old and we hope he is facing a long and exciting career.”

“Neil and I exhibit under the name of Sedge wick and Slack Show Partners. Neil, who is from Penrith, looks after the cattle to get them show ready. To get to the show, we naturally had to travel a considerable distance and Neil got up at 5.00 am! We entered for the Haltered Bullock, and the Haltered Heifer – it was certainly worthwhile getting up in the morning. It takes a lot of preparation into a showing an animal so really was the icing the cake. It was a surreal moment when he won.”


Commenting overall about the 400 plus livestock entries and following up from the day Andrew Walton Chief Livestock Steward for Glendale Show said: “We are all delighted with the large entry of Sheep and Cattle Classes and pleased to get the first ever Halter led cattle classes off to a small but exceptional   high standard of Halter led cattle. We hope to increase on this in the future. The cows with calves were again well supported by local farmers and were very impressive.”

“The Champion of Champions supported by John Swan & Co was an exceptional steer and a worthy winner of this our first ever Champion of Champions Accolade.”

The Points Competition supported by Carrs Billington is won for the most points achieved in the livestock Section; this was won by Andrew Walton of Preston Mains. Andrew Commenting afterward

“I was delighted to win this however it is a team effort between Wayne Scott, my Stockman and myself. “